Spray Chrome For Artists

Perfect For Sculptors, Woodworkers, Glass Blowers and Blacksmiths

As an artist, you are likely constantly experimenting with new mediums that can help you express your vision in novel ways. Adding chrome to your art pieces can create interest in unique and unexpected ways, but traditional chrome plating may either be prohibitively expensive or it may not work for the substrate you are using.

PChrome is a spray chrome for artists that can give you the exact look you want. Unlike traditional chrome plating, it can be used in your studio, and the substrate you are applying it to is not limited. PChrome has the same appearance of regular chrome but at a significantly lower cost. You can use it on glass, mirrors, canvas, wood, plastic or metal, and you can apply it using simple spray applications instead of having to send individual parts off.

Spray Chrome For Artists

When you’re an artist, you likely want to complete your pieces more quickly so you can get them displayed and sold. Using PChrome spray can help you reduce the amount of time each piece on which you want to have the look and feel of chrome takes. Since it costs about 25 percent of the cost of traditional plating, it can also help you increase your profits over the amount you could make using traditional plating.

Below are the types of art commonly used with PChrome:

  • Jewelry Art
  • Graffiti Art
  • Folk Art
  • Junk Art
  • Religious Art
  • Rock Art

Spray Chrome For Sculptors

Spray Chrome For Sculptors

Adding chrome to your sculptures can add depth and a mirror-like finish where you want to have it. The interplay of light and dark between the chromed and non-chromed areas of your sculpture can allow you to breathe life into your vision.

Whether your chosen substrate is wood, glass, metal, clay or plastic, PChrome works to add the same look and finish of chrome. It provides a substantially thicker coating and bonds well to your chosen substrate, allowing a greater versatility of uses.

Below are the types of sculptures commonly sprayed with PChrome:

  • Statues  Sculpture
  • Metal Work  Sculpture
  • Stone  Sculpture
  • Wood  Sculpture
  • Clay  Sculpture
  • Bronze Sculpture
  • Marble Sculpture
  • Granite Sculpture
  • Cement Sculpture
  • Ceramic Sculpture
  • Wax Sculpture

Spray Chrome for Glass Blowing

Spray Chrome for Glass Blowing

A terrific way to use PChrome is with glass-blowing projects. If you are making glass glasses, you can apply PChrome to them to give them a chrome finish that gleams like a mirror. You can also use it for other glass-blowing projects to add a clear, reflective finish or a colored one inside of the glass.

Below are the popular types of glass art PChrome has been successfully applied:

  • Lampworking
  • Glass Sculpture
  • Mosaics
  • Stained Glass
  • Glass Art
  • Caneworking
  • Studio Glass
  • Cameo Glass

Spray Chrome For Woodworkers

Spray chrome for woodworkers

If you are a woodworker, imagine whittling a ship that has chrome parts to make it look even more realistic. No matter what you build or whittle, you can use chrome spray to make it truly unique and more real to life.

Below are a few applications PChrome has been applied:

  • Wood Art
  • Wood Carving
  • Ébéniste Art
  • Marquetry Art
  • Segmented turning Art

Advantages of Spray Chrome For Artists


PChrome is a chrome spray that can give you that mirror-like finish you want. It provides the same degree of gleaming shine that traditional plating does, but it does so with far fewer hassles and at a much lower cost. It is available in purple, blue, gold and silver shades, and it can be used in your shop, studio or home.

Compared to traditional chrome plating, PChrome is:
• Equally hard and durable
• Bonds equally as well to your substrate
• Highly salt-, abrasion- and weather-resistant
• Has an equally reflective finish
• Much more affordable
• The size of the part is not limited
• Smaller environmental footprint and lower health and safety concerns
• Can be applied onsite
• Fewer steps in the chroming process
• The coatings are thicker
• Choice of materials
• Reduced times for turnarounds

Order your own spray chrome kit from PChrome today by ordering online. You can also call us to learn more about how you can use PChrome for your own art or craft.