Spray Chrome For Manufacturers

Manufacturers are often hard-hit when recessions happen, but those who have taken the time to make certain they offer high-quality products may emerge even when others fail. One way that manufacturers can make their products stand out is by chroming components, parts, products and packaging materials. Doing so lets customers know that the product is a good-quality one and that the manufacturer is one that cares about both its products and the customers who will use them.

PChrome spray  on chrome provides an excellent product for manufacturers who want to add the look and feel of chrome without the expenses and time involved with traditional chrome plating.

Spray Chrome For Manufacturers

Spray chrome for manufacturers can be used for a broad variety of different applications. Parts of nearly any size can be chromed using the chrome spray paint offered by PChrome. The process is simple, involving a series of applications that can be done in your plant and without needing to use toxic acid baths. Makers of store fixtures can use PChrome spray to add chrome-like gleams to such things as display cases and furniture.

Our spray on chrome can be used on plastic, making it an excellent choice for the makers of plastic parts who want to add the high-gleam finish. Manufacturers of glass sinks can use the spray to add a reflective surface within the glass that is either clear or colored.

Spray chrome for trophy and award manufacturers


PChrome chrome spray paint is very useful for manufacturers of trophies and awards. With the spray application, the awards and trophies will stand out, helping those who receive them to feel proud of their achievements. The look and feel of chrome on an award will demonstrate the quality of the workmanship and lead to repeat business.

PChrome can be used to customize the following:

Award Bases
Award Plates
Corporate Awards
Custom Name Badges
Promotional Items
Revere Bowls
Sports Awards
Trophy Cups
And More!

Spray chrome for packaging manufacturers


The packaging that products come in often communicate the quality of the products that are contained inside. Other product manufacturers often rely on packaging manufacturers to provide terrific-looking and unique packaging for that reason.

Packaging manufacturers can use chrome spray to add decorative touches to their packaging materials for an unexpected burst of brightness and color.

Decorative Bottles
Glass Bottles
Gift Bags
Gift Boxes
Jewelry Boxes
Metal Boxes
Multi wall Bags
Plastic Bottles
Plastic Pouches
Shipping Boxes
Shopping Bags
Wood Boxes

Advantages of Spray Chrome

PChrome spray is a better choice than traditional chrome plating. It gives the same high-gleam mirror finish that traditional chrome plating does, but it doesn’t require that you send the parts off for chrome plating. Instead, you can apply it in your own facilities using a series of spray applications. Significantly cheaper, PChrome gives you all of the shine for about 25 percent of the cost of traditional chrome plating.

When it is compared to chrome plating, PChrome is:

• Equally durable and hard
• Bonds equally well to the application surface
• Resists weather, abrasion and salt just as well
• Equally reflective
• Has a smaller environmental footprint
• Smaller outlaw of capital required
• Can be used on parts of any size
• Can be applied on site
• Fewer steps in the process
• Gives thicker coatings
• Can be applied on a broad variety of materials
• Shortened turnaround time
• Fewer health and safety concerns

If you would like to learn more about PChrome spray for your manufacturing company, call us today to learn more about how it can help you. You can also order your kit today on our website.